Back to Reality

I’ve spoken to a lot of people recently who despite feeling the general anxiety and uncertainty of the pandemic, have actually felt significantly less stressed since working from home and existing with practically no social life for so long. There is something so blissful about living without the weight of other’s expectations and choosing our own terms, without scrambling for excuses to say ‘no’ to a constant stream of social events. So, as we ease back into normal life, many of us are bound to feel a little stressed. I’m having a garden party for my 30th this weekend and I have genuine butterflies about the concept of entertaining 5 of my closest friends in my garden. I have a feeling I’ll find it hard to hold a decent conversation, plus I’ll probably be sneaking off to bed way before midnight! But I know over time we will all adjust - we just have to be patient with ourselves and each other.
Here are my top three tips for easing back into normal life whilst staying stress free, centred and calm.
1. Keep hold of the boundaries you put into place over the last year. Going back to the way things were doesn’t mean you need to go back to people pleasing and saying ‘yes’ to anything and everything out of obligation. “No” is a wonderful sentence on its own. Use it liberally to support yourself, protect your energy and never feel guilty for turning down an event or gathering that isn’t a full body “YES.” Remember, your mental health comes before everything!
2. Take time each morning to ground yourself before the day begins. Make sure you don’t look at your phone (best to keep it on plane mode over night!) and do a 10/15 minute grounding practice as soon as you wake up. You could do a guided meditation on an app like HeadSpace, dance to your favourite song, journal your thoughts or read a chapter of good self-development book. I can’t explain how much this time for self-care will impact your life and your peace of mind. You’ll feel like an entirely new person after a few weeks.
3. Take time on Sunday night to plan the week ahead. This is the biggest stress buster ever, because there’s nothing worse than waking up on Monday morning with no clue what you’re supposed to be doing or what appointments/meetings you have. Getting organised is everything. I like to light some candles and incense, get my diary out and turn it into a really gorgeous ritual. You can also choose a word for the week, such as “inner peace”, “focus” or “creativity”, just to give yourself an intention to keep coming back to in any moments of overwhelm.
Remember – If you adjusted to a global pandemic, you can definitely adjust back to normal life. Never underestimate how powerful you are. You’ve got this!